A downloadable game for Windows

Preexistence is a 2D platform and adventure game based on Chinese mythology. The character design and story in this story are inspired by the ancient Chinese romance fantasy novel called Strange Tales from Make-Do Studio (聊斋志异) and Chinese folklore about fox spirits and ghosts. In the game, the players play the main character Lan (兰), which is a purple-haired girl. Players take adventures and trigger the story at each level. The game mainly tells the story of Lan as a general in war with a fox spirit in a previous life (her previous life is also called Lan (澜), but different in Chinese characters ), and in this life, she meets the fox spirit again. The player will read details of the story while playing and retrieve memories of Lan's past life.

The gist of the game was that I wanted the player to feel like they had finished a novel or a movie after finishing the game and having fun with the adventure. I didn't want the game to be too complicated, I wanted it to be simple in terms of what the player was supposed to control so that the player could focus on the story. I put a lot of effort into the art as well. I want players to be attracted by the art style of the game and know about Chinese culture through the art style.

The game is just a demo. It has some shortcomings and a lot to be developed. I will add more details and make it more playable in the future. Another important point in this game is that after completing one level, the players will trigger the animation that tells the story. I need some time to work on the production of these animations of all levels. The game currently has only one level. I hope to show you the full game and story in the future.

Assets used: SunnyLand https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/characters/sunny-land-103349#descriptio...

Music: 江上清风游 by 变奏的梦想


preexistence.zip 131 kB

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